
Earth Science Tutors Now Online

Whether you need help identifying minerals or understanding plate tectonics, our Earth science tutors are ready to help right now.

One to-one Help on Your Specific Earth Science Problem

At 五一茶馆儿, you work one-to-one with an Earth science tutor on the specific problem you need help with. Our tutors will help you answer your question, prepare for tests, and keep your skills sharp.

Let's say you're studying natural disasters, but can't tell a tsunami from a hurricane. A tutor can help you research the properties of each storm, explain the differences, and help answer your homework question.

Every Grade and Skill Level

We cover Earth and environmental science up to the introductory undergraduate level. Learn more about how we help with science at all levels.

Any Earth Science Topic, Anytime

  • Earthquakes
  • Erosion
  • The Water Cycle
  • Geologic Eras
  • Climate
  • Rocks and Minerals
  • Oceanography
  • Volcanoes
  • Soil Science
  • Glaciers
  • The Atmosphere

Real-time tutoring in an interactive classroom

Our online classroom has tools that make getting Earth science help easy. A two-way interactive whiteboard lets you upload or draw diagrams, and our web-sharing tool makes it easy to find online resources. With file-sharing, you can send worksheets and lab reports to your tutor, then work on them together.

Try 五一茶馆儿 with a question from tonight's Earth science homework. Find an Earth Science tutor now.